Tel: 01492 876509


Specialist Knowledge

Hendley’s Heating Engineers can you provide you with the specialist experience and knowledge needed to install your rain water collection system.  With water bills constantly increasing now is the time to invest in renewable energy concepts such as rain water harvesting. Contact us for a quote and take the first step towards saving today.

The accumulation of rainwater for reuse is known as Rainwater Harvesting. Rainwater can be used to provide drinking water, water for livestock and water for irrigation, as well as many other general uses.

Rainwater is usually collected from the roofs of houses and buildings, helping make a significant impact on the availability of drinking water. There are several types of systems which can be used to harvest rainwater, ranging from simple home systems to more complex industrial systems.

Urban Popularity

Today rainwater harvesting has become very popular in urban homes. People harvest rainwater in order to save money on water bills and reduce their carbon footprint.

Why would I want a rainwater harvesting system?

  • Reduces energy costs
  • Helps reduce flooding in surrounding areas
  • As well as lowering your energy costs, you will also be reducing your carbon footprint.
  • You might live in a remote area where there is no mains supply

What should I be aware of if I want to install a solar water heating system?

  • Drainage will need to be modified to collect the water in a central location
  • You will need to consider whether you have suitable room for the storage tanks
  • Usually the drinking water source needs to be separated from the non-drinking water
rain drop

Absolutely amazing. From start to finish. Amazing service and amazing quality of food. Thank you very much

Aaron Beacher

July 2023